Founder Director

Prof. A.S. Kolaskar
Former Vice-Chancellor,University of Pune,
Pune 411 007.
Phone: +91 20 25690195, 25692039 (O)
Fax: +91 20 2569 0087

Prof. Ashok Kolaskar

Prof. Kolaskar (FNA), who was Vice-Chancellor, University of Pune is a Professor in Molecular Biophysics & Computational Chemistry and also holds the post of Director, Bioinformatics Centre, University of Pune has contributed significantly in the area of Theoretical Molecular Biophysics (Protein folding), Molecular Immunology and is pioneer in the field of Bioinformatics. His work in the area of Bioinformatics has put India on the world map in this new and upcoming area, which he has initiated in 1985. He has developed high standard and an accurate world-class database of Animal Viruses (AVIS) with first web-based application in the world to identify the viruses on-line (1, 2, 3). He is one of the few in the world who have developed algorithms on parallel computer for analyzing biological data and to carry out multiple alignments. Recently, a very useful web-based computational tool for comparing genomes (4, 5) and gene orders has been developed by him, which is available on-line.

He has also significantly contributed in quality control issues related to biological databases. (6). In Molecular immunology, he has used molecular modeling techniques to identify conformationally similar epitopes and experimentally confirmed the reactivity and binding of the antibodies to these predicted epitopes by using an example of Rheumatoid factor and variable region of heavy chain of human monoclonal antibody (IgM) developed against Wegener Granulomytosis (WGH1) (7, 8). He has analyzed 3-D crystal structure data of proteins and developed a matrix that can be used to identify conformationally similar regions through primary structure alignment approach. This is a significant and highly useful contribution in data mining area of proteins (9). In addition to this, Dr. Kolaskar has designed new approach to develop peptide vaccine against Japanese Encephalitis (JE) Virus (10). Three-dimensional structure of one of the largest protein, the envelop Glycoprotein of JE Virus has been predicated and a new method is developed to identify conformational epitope on such proteins. These theoretical prediction were conformed through experiments in the laboratory at NIV. The peptides, which have the ability to neutralize JE virus have been identified by using data mining and modeling approaches, which were also confirmed through experiments. His contributions in the structures of large DNA and proteins using molecular dynamics as well as genetic algorithm approach has proved to be very useful in understanding the mechanism of biological reactions (11,12). His earlier work,on "Non-planarity of the peptides" with late Prof G N Ramachandran has become classic and has been referred even today (in recent Nature Structure Biology) is highly fundamental and very important in theory of conformation of proteins and peptides.

Thus, in short, Dr. Kolaskar has always been in forefront of new vistas. He is the pioneer in the area of Bioinformatics in India and has been responsible for several Bioinformatics activities in the world including those in Singapore, Taiwan and USA. The citation index of

Dr. Kolaskar confirms that the research contribution by Dr. Kolaskar. has high impact in the area of Bioinformatics, Protein Structure Prediction, Nucleic Acid Sequence Analysis and Molecular Immunology.

Reference :

Professional Experience

Current Activities

Academic Qualifications :








Nagpur University

Physics, Chemistry,Mathematics

First,VII Rank



Nagpur University


First, First in order of Merit.



Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Theoretical Studies on the Conformation of Peptides and Polypeptides


Awards and Medals :

1. Prakya Ganpatrao Gold Medal, First in M.A./M.Sc., 1971.

2. The Ramchandra Krishna Chandorkar Memorial Gold Medal, First in M.Sc., 1971.

3. Balwantrao Mahajan Prize, First in M.Sc.,1971.

4. Young Associate Member of Indian Academy of Sciences, 1984-1988 and 1990.

5. Short Term Department of Biotechnology Research Associateship, 1987-88.

6. Department of Science and Technology SERC Lecturership, 1991-92.

7. Who's Who in the World Tenth Edition, 1991-92 (Macmilon Press).

8. Man of Achievement, International Biographical Centre, 5th Edition, 1991-92.

9. `PARAM Award' from Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) for best application software on Parallel Computer, 1991-92.

10. Life Member of Maharashtra Association of Cultivation of Sciences, Pune from 1992.

11. Elected as a Fellow of Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, (FMAS), Pune, 1993.

12. Elected as a Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy, (FNA), New Delhi, 1994.

Membership of International Scientific Societies and Bodies :


01. Elected as a member of Executive Committee of CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council of Scientific Unions), 1994 onwards.

02. Member-Treasurer of International Steering Committee of Information Resource for Release of Organisms into the Environment (IRRO) with Head-quarters at Sheffield, UK, 1993 onwards.

03. Member of Executive Committee of Microbial Strain Data Network, Sheffield, UK, 1991 onwards.

04. Executive Committee Liaison Member of CODATA Task Group on `Global Plant Checklist Network', 1994 onwards.

05. Member of CODATA Task Group on `Survey of Data Sources in Asian- Oceanic Countries', 1994 onwards.

06. Member of CODATA Commission on Standardized Terminology for Access to Biological Data Banks, 1994 onwards.

07. Member of CODATA Task Group on `Biological Macromolecules', 1986 onwards.

08. Executive Committee Liaison Member of CODATA Task Group on `Biological Macromolecules', 1996 onwards.

09. Member of CODATA Publications Advisory Board, 1996 onwards.

10. Member of International Scientific Programme Committee of 17th International CODATA Conference in Italy, 1998-2000.

11. Member of Advisory Committee of the Task Force on Bioinformatics established by IUPAB and Inter-Union Bioinformatics Group.


01. Elected as a Chairman of International Management Committee of CODATA `Hybridoma Data Bank', 1990 - 1994.

02. Member of Data Sub-Committee of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, 1991-1993.

03. Member of International Task Force of CODATA on `Systematic Nomenclature for Foods in Numerical Data Banks', 1988-1994.

04. Member of International Task Force of CODATA on `Hybridoma Data Bank', 1988- 1992.

05. Member of International Scientific Programme Committee of 15th International CODATA Conference at Tsakuba Science City, Japan, 1994-1996.

06. Member of Working Group of CODATA Glossary of Terms Relating to Data, Data Capture, Data Manipulation and Databases, 1996-1998.

07. Chairman of International Scientific Programme Committee of 16th International CODATA Conference at New Delhi, India, 1996-1998.

Membership of Scientific Societies:

1. Society of Biological Chemist, India, 1980 onwards.

2. Indian Biophysical Society, India, Life member.

3. Computer Society of India, India, 1982-1988.

4. New York Academy of Sciences, USA, 1988 onwards.

5. American Association of Advancements of Sciences, USA, 1988 onwards.

6. Technology Transfer Society, USA, 1990-1994.

7. Maharashtra Association of Cultivation of Sciences, (MACS), Pune 1992 onwards.

Member of Editorial Board of International Journals & Series Publications:

(i) BINARY - Academic Press, U.K., 1990.

(ii) Bioinformatics - ASFRA B.V., Netherlands, 1992.

(iii) Terminology - John Benjamins Publishing Co., Netherlands, 1993.

Scientific Editorial Board of Data and Knowledge in a Changing World - Springer, 1996.

Member of Scientific Committees:



Member of University Statutory Bodies:

Experience in guiding Ph.D. and M.Phil. students:

1. Was associated with Mr.D. Prashanth at IISc. who was student of Prof.G.N.Ramachandran as Co-guide.

2. Mr. V.Ramabrahmam and Mr. B.V.B. Reddy have obtained Ph.D. from University of Hyderabad under my supervision.

3. Presently four students are working for Ph.D. in University of Pune, Pune, India.

4. Guide of M.Phil. students at University of Hyderabad and University of Pune. Presently three students are working for M.Phil. in University of Pune, Pune, India.

Present Research Projects:

Research Experience:

Teaching Experience:

International & National Training Programmes/Workshops/Conferences Organized:

Extension Services:

Attendance of International Meetings, Conferences:

Attended several meetings and conferences in the area of Biophysics, Bioinformatics and CODATA. Delivered invited talks and presented papers (See Annexure I). Toured extensively US Universities and Institutions to deliver lectures. Also visited Taiwan on the invitation of National Science Academy of Taiwan to deliver special oration lecture. Visited Singapore, Japan, Korea, European countries like France, U.K., Germany, etc.

Copyrights of software packages and data banks:

1. Animal Virus Information System (AVIS).

2. PRAS and PNAS on Parallel Computer of C-DAC.

3. PRAS and PNAS on PC-AT compatible system.

4. Molecular Graphics (MG) on PC-AT compatible system.

5. Immunology on PC-AT compatible system.

Other Achievements

In addition to the academic pursuit which can be evaluated on the basis of publications I have also contributed to build an active Bioinformatics Centre at University of Pune with all modern facilities such as Local Area Network, multimedia workstations and servers with connectivity through fiber optics network etc. These workstations can be used in parallel mode in PVM architecture. Wide Area Network has been also developed through INTERNET and this is one of the few centres in the country which has its own `Home Page on World Wide Web' using Netscape and Mosaic. The high quality work carried out by the Bioinformatics Centre, in last 6-7 years, has several firsts :

I am actively involved in initiating and formulating `Bioinformatics System in India' as a member of Task Force on the Bioinformatics Programme of Department of Biotechnology. I am the only member who is in this Task Force continuously from its inception in 1984. Internationally I am actively working with CODATA, an ICSU Committee, and is a member of several task forces, including member of its Executive Committee.

In addition, the Centre has developed a close link with Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) and has several collaborative programmes. This interaction is now considered as a model for interaction between two institutes anywhere in the country. This interaction helped University to lay 7.5 k.m. fiber optics cable through out the campus to have computer connectivity with every department in the University campus. University of Pune is the only University in the country which has established such network. I am one of the founder member of Centre for Information Technology (C-IT), a new institute founded jointly by University of Pune and C-DAC, which has incorporated several new ideas of higher education, contract research and futuristic research with little dependence on government funds. In fact, Bioinformatics Centre has helped to develop many other departments, Jayakar Library - main University library on the campus and other Bioinformatics Centres in the country. The culture and expertise developed at the Centre provides high quality support to users from various backgrounds in accessing, analyzing and modelling information. Users helped by the Bioinformatics Centre include those from Industry, non- governmental organizations, research scientists, policy makers and students. Centre is also acting as a catalyst for networking Pune City and has helped number of citizens including practicing physicians and lawyers to be on the network by providing necessary know-how.

I have also conducted several training programmes and participated in numerous Workshops to make scientists aware of advancements in Bioinformatics and its usefulness. Training Programmes conducted at the Centre are appreciated by International agencies such as UNEP, UNIDO, FAO etc. as they are of desired academic standards and professionally managed. The centre has collaborative programmes and close interaction with institutes in Japan, USA and UK. New algorithms and several value added quality databases in addition to animal virus information system are developed which are available through INTERNET. In short, the centre has taken proactive attitude for the development of Bioinformatics and computer communications.

In addition to development and establishment of Bioinformatics Centre, I am also involved in creating and developing a vibrant Biotechnology Department in University of Pune. It must be mentioned that constructing a building, establishing a work culture with freedom and sense of belonging is unique to Bioinformatics Centre and Biotechnology Department in the University of Pune. With positive attitude I helped to develop other departments such as Zoology Department of University of Pune, National Facility for Animal Tissue and Cell Culture (NFATCC), Pune and Biophysics Department of Institute of Science, Aurangabad.

I am an active member of CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology) of the ICSU (International Council of Scientific Unions) since 1986. As a recognition of my contributions to CODATA, I am elected as a member to its executive body in 1994. Because of my efforts, 1998 CODATA Congress will be organized in India even though Poland was quite keen to organize the same. This should be seen in the context that 1996 CODATA Congress is also in Asia in Scuba, Japan. Most of the international organizations do not want consecutive two congresses in the same continent.

As a Director of Pune Library Network I have not only established very active hub with the facilities to dial up to our computer from any library in Pune City but the software and the database which was developed at our Centre allows one to get connected to other libraries in the Pune City through automatic dialing and to show where and which book/journal is available and its status. Presently 12 libraries are connected with each other to Centre. We will connect 71 libraries in the Pune city. Such linkage of library will help large number of users who find it difficult to move from one library to other library to find out the resource material and will improve productivity.

In the University of Pune the financial autonomy is given to various departments including my department and Bioinformatics Centre. The annual turnover, excluding salary of the staff, is in the range of 1.2 - 1.5 Crores per year. Total staff which is directly working with me is about 50 persons at various levels - professor, scientists, technical assistants, research associates, engineers, librarians, peons etc. I am also member of various decision making University bodies and committees such as Senate, Academic Council, Chairman of Board of Studies etc. Presently, I am helping University in making purchases as a member of `Purchase Committee' and monitoring the progress in expenditure as a member of `Budget Monitoring Committee'. Both these committees are formed under new University Act 1994 of Maharashtra State Government. In fact, University of Pune is the only University which has surplus budget. It has created strong interactions with `Indian Army' and is the only University where Indian Army has instituted a `Chair' for a professor in `defense policy analysis'. I am duly involved in shaping administrative and financial reforms of the University at various levels.

In short, in last ten years I have got rich administrative experience at international, national and local level through my involvement in various activities of CODATA, INSA, DST, DBT, UGC, CSIR and various University bodies.

Scientific Publications

  1. G.N.Ramachandran, A.V.Laksminarayan and A.S.Kolaskar, 1973 - Theory of the Non-planar Peptide Unit, Biochem.Biophys. Acta, 303 8-13.

  2. G.N.Ramachandran, and A.S.Kolaskar, 1973, - The non-planar peptide unit II. Comparison of theory with crystal structure data., Biochem, Biophys. Acta, 303 385-388.

  3. G.N.Ramachandran, K.P.Sarathy and A.S.Kolaskar, 1973 - Interatomic potential functions and crystal packing, Z.fur Kristallographic, Bd., 138 299-312.

  4. G.N.Ramachandran, K.P.Sarathy and A.S.Kolaskar, 1973 - Molecular packing of the crystal, N-methyl acetamide, Z.fur Naturforsch, 28-A 643-646.

  5. G.N.Ramchandran, A.S.Kolaskar and Ramesh Narayan,1974 - A new type of dihedral angle for the description of Biomolecular structure - Curr.Sci., 43 197-198.

  6. A.S.Kolaskar, C. Ramakrishnan, V. Sasisekharan and G.N. Ramachandran, 1974 - The mean geometry of the peptide unit from crystal structure data., Biochem.Biophys. Acta., 359 298-302.

  7. A.S.Kolaskar, K.P.Sarathy, A.V. Lakshminarayanan and V.Sasisekharan, 1975 - The non-planar peptide unit III. Quantum chemical calculations for related compounds and experimental X- ray diffraction data, Biopolymers,14 1081-1094.

  8. A.S.Kolaskar, K.P.Sarathy and V.Sasisekharan, 1975 - The need for a modified psi potential in the dipeptide model, Curr.Sci., 44 33-38.

  9. A.S.Kolaskar, K.P.Sarathy and V.Sasisekharan, 1975 - A note on the torsional potential function v (O) in the dipeptide model, Theoret. Chim. Acta, 38 109-114.

  10. A.S.Kolaskar and D.Prashanth, 1977 - Torsional potentials from observed dipeptide conformations in protein structure data, Curr.Sci., 46 543-546.

  11. A.S.Kolaskar and D.Prashanth, 1979 - Empirical torsional potential functions from protein data II. phi and psi potentials from nonglycyl Amino Acid residues, Int.J.Peptide and Prot.Res., 14 88-98.

  12. A.S.Kolaskar and K.V.Soman, 1979 - A common factor in in-vivo synthesized polypeptides, Curr.Sci., 48 928-931.

  13. A.S.Kolaskar and K.P.Sarathy, 1980 - The non-planar peptide unit IV Geometry and non-planar distortions of the cis-peptide unit, Biopolymers, 19 1345-1355.

  14. A.S.Kolaskar,K.V.Soman,V.Ramabrahmam, 1980 - Reversals of polypeptide chain in globular proteins, Int.J.Peptide and Prot.Res., 16 1-11.

  15. A.S.Kolaskar and V.Ramabrahmam,1981-Conformational similarity among amino acid residues:1. Analysis of protein crystal structure data, Int.J.Biol.Macromol., 3 171-178.

  16. A.S.Kolaskar and V.Ramabrahmam, 1982 - Side chain characteristic main chain conformations of amino acid residues, Int.J.Peptide and Prot.Res., 19 1-9.

  17. A.S.Kolaskar and V.Ramabrahmam, 1982 - Nature of amino acid substitutions in homologous proteins during evolution, Int.J.Biol.Macromol., 4 150-154.

  18. A.S.Kolaskar and V.Ramabrahmam, 1982 - Obligatory amino acids in primitive proteins, BioSystems 15 105-109.

  19. A.S.Kolaskar and V.Ramabrahmam, 1983 - Conformational properties of pairs of amino acids, Int.J.Peptide and Prot.Res., 22 83-91.

  20. A.S.Kolaskar,K.R.Naidu,Y.Seethambaram and V.S.Rama Das, 1984 - Photoacoustic characterization of the in-vivo levels of chlorophyll a in the adaxial and abaxial sides of the leaf, Proc. Indian Acad.Sci. (Plant Sci) 93 275-279.

  21. A.S.Kolaskar and V.Ramabrahmam, 1984 - Are Secondary structures secondary?, Int.J.Peptide and Prot.Res. 24 392-401.

  22. A.S. Kolaskar and B.V.B.Reddy, 1985 - A method to locate protein coding sequences in DNA of prokaryotic systems, Nucleic Acid.Res., 13 185-194.

  23. A.S. Kolaskar and B.V.B.Reddy, 1985 - Complimentary DNA sequence data analysis of prokaryotic systems., J.Biosciences, 7 49-59.

  24. A.S.Kolaskar, T.A.Thanaraj and M.W.Pandit., 1985 - Prediction of secondary structures of 16S and 23S rRNA from E.Coli., J.Biosciences, 8 791-798.

  25. A.S.Kolaskar and B.V.B.Reddy, 1986 - Contextual constraints on codon pair usage: Structural and biological implications, J.Biomol.Stru.Dyn., 3 725-738.

  26. M.W.Pandit, A.S.Kolaskar,T.A.Thanaraj and P.M.Bharghava, 1986 - Analysis of repeating oligonucleotide sequences in ribonucleic acids using an Apple II microcomputer, Biosci., 2 189-194.

  27. T.A. Thanaraj, A.S.Kolaskar and M.W.Pandit, 1988 - Prediction of the recognition sites on 16S and 23S rRNA from E.coli for the formation of 16S-23S rRNA Complex., J.Biomol. Struc. & Dyn., 6 587-592.

  28. T.A. Thanaraj, A.S. Kolaskar and M.W. Pandit, 1989 - An extension of the graph Theoretical approach to predict the secondary structure of large RNAs: the complex of 16S and 23S rRNAs from E.coli as a case study, CABIOS, 3 211-218.

  29. A. Sharada Devi, T. Rehana, A.S. Kolaskar & M.W. Pandit, 1989 - Hydrophilicity and antigenicity of proteins - A case study of myoglobin and hemoglobin, J. Biosci., 14 133-142.

  30. A.S. Kolaskar and Prasad Tongaonkar, 1990 - A semi-empirical method for prediction of antigenic determinants on protein antigens, FEBS Letters, 276 (12) 172-174.

  31. P.S. Naik and A.S. Kolaskar, 1990 - Distributed Information Centre and The Animal Virus Information System, Indian J. Virol., 6, 32-37.

  32. M. Kutubuddin, A.S. Kolaskar, S.Galande, M.M.Gore, S.N.Ghosh and K. Banerjee, 1991 - Recognition of helper T Cell epitopes in envelope (E) Glycoprotein of Japanese Encephalitis, West Nile and Dengue viruses, J. Mol. Immunology, 28 (1/2) 149-154.

  33. Hiromi Suzuki, A.S. Kolaskar, Steven Samuel, Akira Tsugita, 1991 - A protein secondary structure database (PSS), Protein Sequences and Data Analysis, 4 97-104.

  34. A.S. Kolaskar and S.L. Samuel, 1991 - Analysis of Inverted Repeats in primary structure of proteins, Protein Sequences and Data Analysis, 4 105-110.

  35. A.S. Kolaskar and U. Kulkarni-Kale, 1992 - Sequence alignment approach to pick up conformationally similar protein fragments, J.Mol.Biology, 223 4, 1053-1061.

  36. A.S. Kolaskar, 1992 - Outline of Activities as Distributed Bioinformatics Centre, University of Pune, Bioinformatics, 1 4, 3-5.

  37. A.S. Kolaskar and P.S. Naik, 1992 - Computerization of Animal Virus Data - An Indian Attempt, Bioinformatics, 1 4, 6-10.

  38. A.S. Kolaskar and P.S. Naik, 1992 - Computerization of virus data and its usefulness in virus classification, Intervirology, 34, 133-141.

  39. Shashank Date, Rajendra Kulkarni, Bhavana Kulkarni, Urmila Kulkarni-Kale and A.S. Kolaskar, 1993 - Multiple Alignment of Sequences on Parallel Computers, CABIOS, 9 4, 397-402.

  40. A.S. Kolaskar, M. Kutubuddin, M.M. Gore, K. Banerjee and S.N. Ghosh, 1993 - Analysis of computer predicted antibody inducing epitope on Japanese Encephalitis Virus, Acta Virologica, 37, 417- 428.

  41. Rajendra Kulkarni, Shashank Date, Bhavna Kulkarni, Urmila Kulkarni and A.S. Kolaskar, 1993 - PRAS : Parallel Alignment of Sequences Algorithm, Parallel Processing Letters, 3 3, 243-252.

  42. A.S. Kolaskar, Bharati Joshi and B.V.B. Reddy, 1995 - Contextual Constraints in the choice of synonymous codons, Special Issue of Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 32, 417-423.

  43. A.S. Kolaskar and Sangeeta Sawant, 1996 - Prediction of conformational states of amino acids using Ramachandran plot, International Journal of Peptide & Protein Research, 47, 110-116.

  44. V. Sundararajan and A.S. Kolaskar, 1996 – Conformation of Biomolecules : A search by Genetic Algorithms, Computer Science and Informatics, 26, 4, 22-29.

  45. Ralph C. Williams, Jr. Christine C. Malone, A.S. Kolaskar and Urmila Kulkarni-Kale, 1997 – Antigenic determinants reacting with rheumatoid factor: Epitopes with different primary sequences share similar conformation, Molecular Immunology, 34, 7, 543-556.

  46. A.S. Kolaskar and R.R. Joshi, 1998 - Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a 13-mer Duplex DNA: A PvuII Substrate, Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 15, 6, 1155-1165.

  47. A.S. Kolaskar and R. R. Joshi, 1998 - Role of TATA in Prokaryotic Promoters, Research Communications in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, Vol.2, Nos. 3 & 4, 371-380.

  48. A.S. Kolaskar and P.S. Naik, 1998 - Computer-aided virus identification on the World Wide Web, Archives of Virology, 143, 8, 1513-1521.

  49. A.S. Kolaskar, Jacquelyn A. Davis, Shane Perkins, Ralph C. Williams, Jr., Christine C. Malone, Wayne McCormack, Elena Csernok, W.L. Gross, Urmila Kulkarni-Kale, 1998 - Determination of Primary Amino Acid Sequence and Unique Three Dimensional Structure of WGH-1, a Monoclonal Human IgM Antibody with Anti-PR-3 Specificity, Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, 89 , 1, 35-43..

  50. A.S.Kolaskar and Urmila Kulkarni-Kale, 1999 - Prediction of three-dimensional structure and mapping of conformational epitopes on envelope glycoprotein of Japanese encephalitis virus, Virology 261, 31-42 .

  51. A. S. Kolaskar, P. S. Naik, June, 2000, Online identification of viruses J. Microbiol Immunol Infect, 33,2,69-78.
  52. E. E. Abola, A. Bairoch, W. C. Barker, S. Beck, D. A. Benson, H. Berman, G. Cameron, C. Cantor, S. Doubet, T. J. P. Hubbard, T. A.  Jones, G. J. Kleywegt, A. S. Kolaskar, A. Van Kuik, A. M. Lesk,Mewes, D. Neuhaus, F. Pfeiffer, L. F. TenEyck, R. J. Simpson, G. Stoesser, J. L. Sussman, Y. Tateno, A. Tsugita, E. L. Ulrich, J.F.G. Vliegenthart, 2000,
    Quality control in databanks for molecular biology, BioEssays, 22, 1024-1034. 
  53. Mazumder, R., Kolaskar, A.S. and Seto, D., 2001,
    GeneOrder: comparing the order of genes in small genomes, Bioinformatics, 17, 2, 162-166.
  54. Sakharkar MK, Kangueane P, Petrov DA, Kolaskar AS, Subbiah S.,2002,
    SEGE: A database on 'intron less/single exonic' genes from eukaryotes.
  55. Kulkarni-Kale,U. and Kolaskar,A.S.,2003
    Prediction of 3D structure of envelope glycoprotein of Sri Lanka strain of Japanese encephalitis virus. In Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen (ed.), Conferences in research and practice in information technology. 19, 87-96.
  56. Sangeeta Sawant, A.S. Kolaskar.,2003
    Multiple Molecular Dynamics Simulations Of A 28mer Oligopeptide
    Reveal Enhanced Sampling of Conformational Space.In Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen (ed.), Conferences in research and practice in information technology.19,97-105. 
  57. Urmila Kulkarni Kale, Shriram Bhosle, G. Sunitha Manjari and A. S. Kolaskar. (2004) VirGen: A comprehensive viral genome resource. Nucleic Acids Research., 32,289-292.
  58. Urmila Kulkarni-Kale, Shriram Bhosle and A. S. Kolaskar (2005)
    CEP: a conformational epitope prediction server Nucleic Acids Research.33,W168–W171 
  59. Urmila Kulkarni-Kale, Shriram G. Bhosle, G. Sunitha Manjari, Manali Joshi, Sandeep Bansode, Ashok S. Kolaskar, Curation of viral genomes: Challenges, applications and the way forward, BMC Bioinformatics (December 18, 2006)  

  60. Greenbaum, J. A., Andersen, P. H., Blythe, M., Bui, H. H., Cachau, R. E., Crowe, J., Davies, M., Kolaskar, A. S., Lund, O., Morrison, S., Mumey, B., Ofran, Y., Pellequer, J. L., Pinilla, C., Ponomarenko, J. V., Raghava, G. P., Van Regenmortel, M. H., Roggen, E. L. , Sette, A., Schlessinger, A., Sollner, J., Zand, M., Peters, B.(2007). Towards a consensus on datasets and evaluation metrics for developing B-cell epitope prediction tools. J. Mol. Recognit.  20(2), 75-82.

Papers Published in Conference Proceedings :

  1. S.Ramachandran and A.S.Kolaskar, 1987 - Bioinformation systems in India, Computer Handling and Dissemination of Data, (Ed. P.S. Glaeser) Elsevier Science Publisher B.V. (North Holland) CODATA, 394-399.

  2. A.S.Kolaskar, 1987 - Analysis of Biomacromolecular Data - Computer Handling and Dissemination of Data (Ed. P.S. Glaeser) Elsevier Science Publisher B.V. (North Holland) CODATA, 506-508.

  3. S. Ramachandran and A.S. Kolaskar, 1990 - Bioinformation system in India, Handbook of Libraries, Archives & Information Centres in India, 7 14-21.

  4. A.S. Kolaskar and Steven Samuel, 1990 - Data Bank for Protein Engineers, CODATA Bulletin - `Data activities and database developments in East-Asian countries', 22 3, 143-145.

  5. A.S. Kolaskar and S.R. Kulkarni, 1991 - Survey of Data Banks in India, CODATA Bulletin - `Database Developments in Asian-Oceanic Countries', 23 3, 111-116.

  6. A.S. Kolaskar, 1991 - Use of Sequence, Structure, and Hybridoma Data Banks to Predict Structure of Envelope Glycoprotein of Japanese Encephalitis Virus, CODATA Bulletin - `Information Integration for Biological Macromolecules', 23 4, 47-53.

  7. R.V. Kulkarni, S. Date, B. Kulkarni, U. Kulkarni and A.S. Kolaskar, 1991 - PRAS : parallel alignment of sequences package, Advanced Computing '91, 1 392-399.

  8. A.S. Kolaskar, 1992 - Parallel Computers in Biological Data Bank Management, Procd. of 13th International CODATA Conference "New Data Challenges in our Information Age" (Ed. Phyllis Glaeser) (in press).

  9. A.S. Kolaskar and P.S. Naik, 1994 - Computerized Animal Virus Data Bank and its Use in Taxonomical Classification of Viruses, CODATA Procd. 1, "Data Sources in Asian-Oceanic Countries", Ed. Jen-Leih Wu, Yarou and Edgar F. Westrum Jr., 101-106.

  10. A.S. Kolaskar and P.S. Naik, 1994 - An Online Data Bank from India on Animal Viruses, CODATA Procd. 3, "Database Developments in Asian-Oceanic Countries", Ed. Yaruo Hu and Edgar F. Westrum Jr., 61-65.

  11. V. Sundararajan and A.S. Kolaskar, 1996 – Parallel Genetic Algorithms on PARAM for Conformation of Biopolymers, Proceedings of International Conference on High Performance Computing, IEEE, Computer Society, 22.

Books :

Chapters in the Books :

International Visit to attend Task Force/Committee Meetings :

Invited talks delivered during International Conferences /Workshops :

International Visit for other purpose :

Associateship Programme of Department of Biotechnology worked at American Type Culture Collection, National Institute of Health & Georgetown University, USA, from 20 March - 20th June, 1988.

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), West Germany for discussions with scientists of Biocomputing Division, about various Data Banks in the area of Biotechnology, from 1-3rd October, 1988.

National Library of Medicine, USA from 1-4th February, 1989.

National Library of Malaysia from 27-28th November, 1997.